WWII Reenactment
Posted on Aug 23, 2005
Re-enactors bring World War II battle to Fort Ord
Blink your eyes and Fort Ord suddenly becomes a German town on the Belgian border during World War II.
Blink again and it's September 1944, and an American patrol has entered Nazi Germany southwest of the ancient city of Aachen. Three months after the landing at Normandy, the Allies are finally within reach of the enemy on his home turf. Among the troops there is even talk of getting home for Christmas. What follows, though, is one of the most grueling campaigns of the war - a terrible struggle across the Siegfried Line, Hitler's vaunted West Wall.
That's the scenario as the World War II Research and Preservation Society comes to Seaside on the Monterey Peninsula the weekend of Sept. 10.
Approximately 150 re-enactors representing American, British and German troops are expected, along with a variety of tanks, motorcycles and other military vehicles.
History is brought to life by the careful authenticity the re-enactors demonstrate in their uniforms, style of weapons and battle tactics. Proper field gear and equipment are required - right down to period food containers.
While the re-enactors will set up camp on Friday, the public is invited to view the battle at 3 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 10. Spectators may park on the lot located at Fifth Street and Third Avenue and purchase tickets there. They will be escorted in groups a short distance to the battle site. Spectators are asked to purchase tickets by 2 p.m. After the battle, the public will be allowed to tour the battle sites, defensive positions and bivouac area.
The World War II Research and Preservation Society (WWII RPS) is a California non-profit organization that has been active in historical research and living history re-enacting for over a decade. Members come from all walks of life, including current and retired military members, police officers, students, doctors, lawyers and business executives. All have a passion for World War II history and share a common goal of preserving our nation's part in that war.
The WWIIRPS is comprised of member "units" that are based on actual World War II units. Extensive historical research goes into the study of these units, their equipment, uniforms, leadership, and tactical significance on the battlefield. The group maintains exacting standards of authenticity and a tremendous amount of effort and resources go into building an individual soldier's "impression," which can take years to perfect.
The Fort Ord Alumni Association sponsors the event. Since its inception in 1996, the association has awarded 57 scholarships to CSU-Monterey Bay students. The group also promotes the historic preservation of the military presence on the Monterey Peninsula. Members include, but are not limited to, former soldiers and personnel stationed at Fort Ord.
War Games
When: Saturday, Sept. 10. The "battle" will
take place from 3 to 5 p.m. SPECTATORS NEED TO BE THERE BY
2 P.M.
What: Re-enactment of the Allied assault on the "West
Wall" of Germany in the autumn of 1944
Admission: Adults, $10; students and military
(active or retired), $8; children under 12, $5.
Parking: Park on the lot located at Fifth Street
and Third Avenue. Tickets can be purchased at the parking lot
Information/ticket purchases: (831) 582-3595
Online: www.ww2rps.com; https://foaa.csumb.edu