Workshop examines disability access
Public invited to March 27 event
The community is invited to a workshop at CSU Monterey Bay intended to increase awareness of people with disabilities.
Inclusive Diversity: How to Ensure Disability Access is the topic for the March 27 workshop, to be held from 6 to 8:30 p.m. in the University Center.
Participants will learn about disability culture, barriers to accessibility, how to make public events accessible and create a welcoming environment, ensure access to electronic and printed information and plan for Universal Design.
The evening will get under way with a photo exhibit on display at 6 p.m. The Traumatic Brain Injury PhotoVoice exhibit was put together by the Central Coast Center for Independent Living.
The University Center is located on Sixth Avenue at B Street. While the event is free, visitors must purchase a parking permit from a kiosk on the lot or online. This includes those with DMV-issued disability parking placards.
Driving directions and a campus map are available here.
The event is sponsored by CSUMB’s Health and Wellness Services, Student Housing and Residential Life, Student Fee Advisory Committee, Otter Cross Cultural Center and the Central Coast Center for Independent Living.
For more information or to request disability accommodations, please call 582-3672 or e-mail