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Women's self-defense course starts in October

The University Police Department is taking sign-ups for a four-session self-defense course for women. The course is open to students, faculty and staff members.

RAD — Rape Aggression Defense — teaches awareness and prevention techniques, as well as realistic self-defense tactics. Physical and non-physical options are presented as well as insight into the attacker’s mindset. It is not a martial arts program, and does not require a high level of fitness. More than 300,000 women throughout the U.S. and Canada have been trained through RAD since the program began in 1989. The course is taught by three university police officers and Dr. Christine Erickson, CSUMB’s dean of students. The upcoming series will be taught from 6 to 9 p.m. on Oct. 2, 4, 9 and 11. The first session will be held at the University Police Department; the location for the last three sessions has yet to be determined. The course is free, and participants will receive a manual to keep and use for reference. Participants must attend all four class sessions to earn a certificate. Space is limited. Reserve your space by contacting Corporal Carolyn McIntyre at 582-3410 or The course will be offered again in February. More information is available here.