The Governor's conference comes to CSUMB
August 6, 2010
SBDC to host training day for small businesses
Based on the success of the recent Governor's Conference on Economic Development, California's Small Business Development Centers are hosting a series of follow up workshops at CSU Monterey Bay that began on Aug. 5.
Some 300 entrepreneurs from the local region had the opportunity to spend the day with federal, state and private sector experts who introduced new and growing small businesses to selling opportunities in the state.
The program included presentations by procurement officers from the California departments of General Services, Transportation, Consumer Affairs and Health, as well as tri-county agencies and corporations. The United States General Services Administration and VA also participated.
Contracts from the government and major corporations can provide a critical source of revenue for small businesses – if they can get in the door to meet, negotiate and win the bids. That can be daunting for young companies, but the upcoming workshop at CSUMB help.
California's Small Business Development Centers, the Governor's Office of Economic Development and Business Matchmaking sponsored the free event.
A networking lunch was held for further contact with participating entrepreneurs.
The afternoon included a series of "procurement in the round" sessions hosted by federal, state and private sector experts who discussed getting started in procurement with groups of seven guest companies at a time. Attendees rotated among tables to meet a variety of buyers.
Small Business Development Center counselors were available to provide one-on-one counseling.
"We were there to help with whatever the small businesses need to seal the deal with these buyers," said Andrea Nield, associate director of CSUMB's SBDC.
A separate session focused on disaster preparedness for small business and feature planning for both manmade and natural occurrences.
"Most people assume preparedness means thinking about food and water, but they need to think about how they would keep their business running in an emergency," Nield said.
The California Disabled Veterans Business Alliance hosted a breakout session for both disabled veterans and potential partners in various industries.
Representatives of various non-profit support groups from the city, county, state and federal government distributed material and answered questions from participating small businesses.
"The Governor's Economic Development Conference was both educational and motivational and we are taking the lessons of that meeting 'on the road' to help interested small businesses get started and grow during these challenging economic times," said Kristin Johnson, state chair of the Small Business Development Centers.
She noted that small businesses are the backbone of California's economy; 99 percent, or 3.5 million of the state's businesses are considered "small businesses" and they employ more than 7 million Californians.
Learn more about CSUMB's Small Business Development Center.