Students team up to navigate the future, one more time
CSU Monterey Bay’s Visual and Public Art Department has collaborated with Marina High School to produce a second mural based on the school’s motto, Navigate the Future.
Last year, students from Professor Johanna Poethig’s painting and mural class exchanged ideas and drawings with the Marina High students. The result: a mural that featured a lighthouse and a yellow brick road with ancient footprints that lead to a universe of endless possibilities. The mural adorns a wall on the Marina campus.
This year, a high school student suggested that loggerhead turtles be incorporated into a second mural. The student pointed out that the turtles have an internal navigation system that allows them to use the earth’s magnetic field to find their way.
The mural includes four large turtles that were painted on non-woven media, attached to the wall with acrylic gel and painted into the scene.
The official unveiling took place on Dec. 11. Students and administrators from both schools were in attendance, along with alumni John Elliott and Roxana Keland.