Student research takes top honors
A research poster created by a team of CSU Monterey Bay students took first place at the Association of Environmental Professionals (AEP) annual state conference March 6-9 in Monterey.
Undergraduates Craig Mueller and Alex Davis and graduate student Todd Hallenbeck authored the poster, which was titled “Quantifying the distribution and abundance of rippled scour depressions on California’s continental margin seafloor using autoclassfication models.” Dr. Rikk Kvitek was the faculty adviser.
The posters were judged during the conference and awards were announced March 8 at the conference’s networking event for young professionals.
Maria Osiadacz, CSUMB graduate student in Coastal and Watershed Science and Policy, is a student member of the AEP and served as a conference volunteer, helping to plan the event and organize the research competition.
She noted that the entries were judged based on the same rubric that will be used at the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Currents Symposium to be held at CSUMB April 9.
“The panel of judges were very impressed with all the posters . . . we were all amazed by the hard work that went into creating them,” Osiadacz said. For more information about the event, click here.
For more information about the Department of Environmental Science, Technology & Policy, click here.