Sayad invited to make presentation in China
Faculty member's book first human sexuality text to be published there
CSU Monterey Bay lecturer Barbara Sayad is about to make her first visit to China, courtesy of a human rights organization. The Aibai Education and Culture Center, a Chinese-based organization that works to educate and advocate on behalf of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people, has invited Dr. Sayad and her co-author and colleague, Dr. Bill Yarber of Indiana University, to visit the country Aug. 9 through 22. Sayad and Yarber authored the first university textbook on human sexuality to be published in China. After the seventh edition of their book, Human Sexuality: Diversity in Contemporary America, was published in 2010, the authors were approached by a UCLA professor and Chinese national about the possibility of having it translated into Chinese. Several issues surfaced immediately. Even though China decriminalized homosexuality in 1997, no laws bar discrimination based on sexual orientation. The lack of legal protection, plus the great weight of family and social pressures, keeps most Chinese gays solidly in the closet. Because it was known that the government would not approve the book for use in public universities, McGraw-Hill agreed to release the textbook as a trade publication to circumvent censorship issues. The Chinese professors who served as volunteer translators did their work in a way that was culturally sensitive and relevant to the needs and concerns of university students. The book is finally available. And while it won't be sold on campuses, it can be purchased in bookstores and will be promoted among professors via word of mouth. During their visit, the authors will be featured speakers at a national conference on sexuality at a university in Kunming, the capital of Yunnan Province. Educators, doctors, school policymakers and government officials are expected to attend their presentation on the status of sexuality education in the United States. Also at the conference, the Chinese-language version of the book will be presented; the authors will talk about its history, philosophy and content. In Beijing, Sayad and Yarber will meet with government officials, university professors and students. But it won’t be all work for Sayad. “Following the presentations and meetings, my husband and I will take a few days to tour the area outside of Beijing,” she said. “My trip to China helps to underscore not only the value of travel and collaboration but the knowledge, experience and resources that we have obtained and can share in this emerging field.
“I am honored to be a part of this collaboration.” At CSUMB, Dr. Sayad teaches in the Department of Health, Human Services and Public Policy. In the fall, she’ll be teaching a multicultural health education and promotion class.
Editor's Note:* The eighth edition of Human Sexuality: Diversity in Contemporary America by William Yarber and Barbara Sayad, will be released in September.*