Otter Realm honored at collegiate media event
Paper earns 10 awards – including a trio of firsts
For the second straight year, the Otter Romp, a year-end issue of the Otter Realm that features investigative reporting, was named best special section at the California College Media Association’s annual Excellence in Student Media Awards ceremony on Feb. 20.
It was one of nine awards – and three first-place honors – earned by CSU Monterey Bay’s student newspaper and presented at the annual college journalism conference. Members of the paper’s staff, along with faculty advisers Estella Porras and Sam Robinson, attended the conference and awards ceremony at the Sheraton Universal Hotel in Los Angeles. Taking first place for best non-breaking news story was the team of Danny Simon, Katie Kishiand Stefan Farhner, whose story headlined “CSUMB tries to tighten spigots on East Campus, but water district still wants the cash to flow” appeared in the Otter Romp. The contest judge referred to the reporters’ “deep and dogged investigative work.
“They took what would seem a mind-numbing topic – campus water costs – and uncovered a fascinating story of how the local water district had been over-charging the university for years. . . The reporters show a talent for investigative reporting and the persistence and patience it requires,” the judge said.
Achelle Reynoso, beat reporter for the College of Science, won first place in the best headlines competition.
While CSUMB competes in the less-than-weekly category, the Otter Realm showed that it can hold its own with the large schools by taking second place in the podcast category – where it was up against schools of all sizes and publication schedules.
The award went to Raquelle Miller and Porras for the podcast, “Tired, Very Tired.” The judge described it as a “compelling first-person piece, especially as it rolls out the details of this very busy student’s life. . . I loved the determination and hope in this commentary.”
The high quality of coverage and design was also recognized by the Associated Collegiate Press as the Otter Realm won third place in the Best of Show competition. The Otter Realm is published six times each semester. It also operates a website, where stories, videos and podcasts are posted on a regular basis. Students in HCOM 387 and HCOM 389 produce both. Otter Romp is produced by students in HCOM 388. Awards won by the Otter Realm (in the less-than-weekly category unless noted) •Best Non-Breaking News Story: first place Danny Simon, Katie Kishi, Stefan Farhner, “CSUMB tries to tighten spigots on East Campus, but water district still wants the cash to flow,” story about CSUMB’s overpayment of water bills, appeared in the Otter Romp, spring 2015
• Best Special Section: first place Otter Romp, a special investigative reporting issue
• Best Headlines: first place Achelle Reynoso, College of Science beat reporter
• Best News Series: second place Alex Hennessey, Yuri Lara, Caemen Amelio, Mackenzie Handy, “Feeding the Future,” a look at the high tech revolution taking place in agriculture and why people should pay attention to it, appeared in the Otter Romp, spring 2015
• Best photo illustration: second place Achelle Reynoso, accompanied a story about breast cancer awareness
• Best podcast: second place (all categories) Raquelle Miller and Estella Porras, “Tired, Very Tired,” detailed the very busy life of a first-generation student.
• Best feature photo: third place Andres Hernandez, photo of a monkey that accompanied “Monterey Zoo: Who’s the real animal?”
• Best column: honorable mention Elizabeth Hensley, editor’s column
• Best website: honorable mention The judges complimented the site’s “clean design” and “inviting and visually pleasing” dominant art
Published Feb. 23, 2016