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NAACP president gets early start on the job

When she was elected in the spring of 2014 to head the campus chapter of the NAACP, Mia Elliott said, “I can’t wait to start. I am really looking forward to being president.”

A sophomore Liberal Studies major from Sacramento, Elliott will take over in the fall – when the chapter celebrates its third year of existence.

She's getting a head start on the position, attending the civil rights organization's annual convention July 19-23 in Las Vegas.

"It's overwhelming, in the best way possible," Elliott said via e-mail. "I'm learning so much, and I'm surrounded by great and powerful leaders."

One of the things she's learned about is the Voting Rights Act, and how important it is for college students to vote in this year's midterm elections.

She's also realized that the civil rights organization is not irrelevant, as some people have said. "I have learned that in today's society, we need the NAACP. It will continue to be relevant until we have equal rights for ALL people."

At the time of her election, Elliott said she "wanted to be president because I have a passion for social justice and social change. I want to use my leadership skills and experience to make a difference on campus,” she said.

Her immediate goals are to increase the chapter’s membership and to “have the NAACP be an inclusive, diverse club open to all people of color and all our allies.

“Secondly, I would like students to know that we are an ally for all students of color and will be a support system when needed,” she said.

Elliott added that she would like to collaborate with other social change/justice groups on campus to educate students on civil rights issues.

The campus chapter was chartered in July of 2012 and held its first meeting in September of that year. Shiyla Goodie served as president the first two years.

Under her leadership, the group worked to register voters before the 2012 presidential election; educated students on the importance of voting; connected with cultural clubs and organizations on campus to promote civil rights; and organized service projects in the community.