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Math, technology career expo April 27

CSU Monterey Bay is looking for local professionals to help at a career expo on April 27.

Organized by faculty members from the statistics, math and technology departments, along with the university’s career services office, the expo is intended for students in math and computer science. The goal is to expose them to a wide range of career options and to help them prepare for those careers.

“We’re asking for volunteers from any organization that hires computer science or math students,” said Dr. Kate Lockwood, who teaches computer science. “Participants can be on a panel, network with students, or hold mock interviews.” Volunteers can come from government, education or industry.

The day will include panel discussions and networking in the morning and mock interviews in the afternoon. All will take place in the Student Center, located on Inter-Garrison Road between Fourth and Fifth avenues. Driving directions and a campus map are available at The career expo is part of STaMP – Statistics, Technology and Math Professionals – a new effort that supports students in those fields. Events leading up to the expo have included workshops on resume writing, business etiquette and interviewing.

Anyone interested in participating can contact Dr. Lockwood at