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Making a difference in a decade

April 14, 2010** **

Since 2000, CSU Monterey Bay's Camp SEA Lab has helped youngsters discover the ocean through summer camps and outdoor school programs. Students get their hands wet through kayaking, snorkeling, and surfing, while their minds get engaged through active science lessons and ocean conservation projects.

In its 10-year history, the program has ignited thousands of K-12 students' interest and excitement in marine science.

For some, the experience has been transforming.

"When I was in 5th and 6th grade, I attended Camp SEA Lab and I absolutely loved it! I'm majoring in biology right now, and I'm planning on going on to graduate school to get my master's in marine biology," said Rebecca Summers, former SEA Lab camper and a student at Seattle Pacific University.

This summer, the Science, Education and Adventure continue with a variety of day camps and residential camps around the Monterey Bay area, including several programs especially for teens 13 to 16 years old.

Camp SEA Lab serves as a gateway to higher education, and, unlike other marine science-based activities, the program promotes ocean careers through exposure to marine technology and research and marine science professionals.

For more information and a list of this summer's activities, click here.