Learn to save water with OLLI
Public invited to free workshop Dec. 6
“Save the Carmel River – Conserve Water Today” is the topic of the last class of the year offered by the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Cal State Monterey Bay.
The free, hourlong class will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 6 in the OLLI annex, located on the corner of Inter-Garrison Road and Sixth Avenue on the CSUMB campus.
The session will be led by CSUMB students Erin Frolli, Jessica Chapman, Kat Miller and Sarah Jeffries. The class will consist of a short lecture and tips on how to get rebates for household items (information will be specific for local water districts) and how to garden using drought-tolerant plants. Free plants – provided by CSUMB’s Return of the Natives project – will be given out.
In addition, information will be provided on where to shop for drought-tolerant plants, sprinkler systems and more.
Snacks will be provided. Register at the door at via e-mail at efrolli@csumb.edu. For more information on OLLI at CSUMB, visit olli.csumb.edu Driving directions and a campus map are available at csumb.edu/map.