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Fort Ord Prescribed Burn, October 5, 2017

A prescribed burn is planned for Thursday, October 5, 2017 in the northernportion of the Fort Ord National Monument, also known as BLM Area B, on the former Fort Ord, if weather conditions permit. Helicopters and other equipment have begun to mobilize to Fort Ord. A burn may be conducted at Unit B in the northern portion of the Fort Ord National Monument on Thursday, October 5th if appropriate weather conditions are present.

Fort Ord recreational users please note the following roads within the area will be closed during prescribed burn operations: Eucalyptus Road, Gigling Road (east of 8th Avenue), 8th Avenue Extension, Parker Flats Road, Parker Flats Cut-off, Watkins Gate Road, Barloy Canyon Road, and Hennekens Ranch Road. Access to the Fort Ord National Monument will be limited to the trailheads located off of Highway 68 (Badger Hills and Creekside Terrace Trailheads). See access map at Fort Ord Cleanup's page.

Additional information concerning the Fort Ord Military Munitions ResponseProgram and the prescribed burn program is available on the Fort OrdEnvironmental Cleanup website.

For updates please call 1-800-852-9699, visit or follow @POMgarrison or #OrdBurn on Twitter.