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Diving into the subject

Aug. 21, 2009

Dr. James Lindholm (second from right) and student divers at Monterey Beach

CSU Monterey Bay has a new scientific diving program.

"We've had a recreational SCUBA program here for some time," said Dr. James Lindholm, head of the Institute for Applied Marine Ecology at CSUMB.

"Now, an additional level of rigor has been added."

Frank Degnan, who has taught sailing and SCUBA at CSUMB for years, is the university's diving safety officer. Oversight of the program will reside with the Diving Control Board, which is made up of Degnan, faculty members and students.

Students will learn how to do research underwater. The program has been certified by the American Academy of Underwater Sciences, an organization that sets standards for scientific diving, certifications and operations at all universities in the United States.

The program, which is already up and running, will officially offer the first scientific diving course in the spring semester through the Department of Kinesiology (KIN 283/L Master Diver Certification). A grant from the U.S. Department of Education was used to pay for SCUBA equipment.

Students who complete the program will be eligible for letters of reciprocity that will allow them to dive with other university programs and research organizations.

"We're interested in giving students tools - and scientific diving is a critical tool," Dr. Lindholm said. "With scientific diving training on their resumes, our students will have a huge advantage when they look for a job. It means they'll be ready to work on day one."