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Deadline approaching for CSUMB teen film festival

Jan. 4, 2010

*******Entries must be submitted by Feb. 12***

Time is running out for young filmmakers to submit their work to the Monterey Bay Teen Film Festival sponsored by California State University, Monterey Bay.

Entry deadline is Feb. 12 for the second annual festival, which will be held at CSU Monterey Bay's World Theater on April 3. Entries can be submitted online at between 13 and 19 years old are invited to submit films and videos up to five minutes in length. Entries may be in English or Spanish and there is no entry fee.

Students in the university's Teledramatic Arts and Technology program will organize the event and handle the judging, according to Professor Enid Baxter Blader.

"It's an educational experience for my students, who want to go out in the world and have their films screened in film festivals. A great way to understand that process is to curate a film festival," Blader said.

CSUMB also hopes the festival will serve as a way to interest local teens who might not have considered going to college. By inviting them to campus and showing them what the university offers, they may consider enrolling.

While local teenagers are encouraged to enter the competition, it's also open to teenagers from around the country.

Last year's inaugural event drew more than 100 entries and several hundred people attended the screening. Some of last year's entries can be viewed online

For information is available from Hayley Allison at