CSUMB student awarded film commission scholarship
Chelsea Amarillas, a senior Cinematic Arts and Technology student, was awarded a $2,000 scholarship in the Monterey County Film Commission’s Director Emeritus Richard Tyler Student Scholarship and Awards program.
Amarillas will use the award to help cover costs for her capstone film, “A Father’s Love.” She describes the story as a dark and enchanting tale that illustrates the importance of family. Filming will get under way in the fall, and she has begun looking for locations in Monterey County, including a Victorian-style house.
“The stylization of the film is modern but with Victorian elements, and this award will allow me to achieve the level of quality production design that I had hoped to,” Amarillas said. “Receiving this scholarship is an honor because I was selected from a group of talented peers, and it is encouraging as a young filmmaker to be recognized and rewarded for the craft that I am just beginning,” she said. “The award will be of great assistance financially in the production of a film that is near to my heart and one that I am very excited to see come to life.”
Amarillas, a Modesto native, has worked on several productions with her fellow CSUMB film students.
The scholarship program was created to provide financial aid and incentive to film students and beginning filmmakers who reside in Monterey County or those enrolled in a college or university in the county. The fund was established as a permanent endowment with the Community Foundation for Monterey County.