CSUMB professor featured in Monterey video
TAT graduate was film's director
The city of Monterey has produced a video that highlights the work of CSUMB Professor Ruben Mendoza and his students.
The video, “America’s Oldest Cathedral – the Cathedral of San Carlos Borromeo,” documents Professor Mendoza’s work and the studies undertaken by the conservation team of which he was a part.
CSUMB students “played a pivotal role in the discoveries noted in the documentary,” he said.
The Cathedral of San Carlos Borromeo, also known as the Royal Presidio Chapel, is the oldest continuously operating parish and the oldest stone building in California, dating to 1770.
The seven-minute piece was directed by Eric Palmer, a 2007 graduate of CSUMB’s Teledramatic Arts and Technology Department. Palmer works in Monterey’s communications office, where he produces video content for the city’s television station and websites, and helps with publications and social media.