CSUMB grad honored by Salinas City Council
University presents USDA researcher Carolee Bull with mentor award
Recent graduate Isael Rubio and Dr. Carolee Bull, his mentor at the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s research station in Salinas, were honored by the Salinas City Council on June 12.
Ana Ibarra, a student at Hartnell College who is also mentored by Dr. Bull, was honored as well.
All three were named during the council’s “City of Champions” agenda item, a time when people are acknowledged for serving the community and for being role models.
Rubio earned a degree in biology from CSUMB in May. The Salinas native was awarded a $90,000 National Science Foundation (NSF) graduate research fellowship and will use it at the University of Wisconsin, where he plans to pursue a Ph.D. in plant pathology.
Dr. Bull was honored by CSUMB in May, when she was presented the inaugural Mentor Award by the university’s Undergraduate Research Opportunities Center (UROC).
Many of the students – high school, community college and university – she has mentored are now pursuing Ph.D. degrees.
“My experience with Carolee was invaluable,” Rubio said. “Working with her has brought out the true scientist in me, and has allowed me to discover my dormant abilities and aspirations.”
Dr. Bull serves on UROC’s advisory committee, is active in its mentor training workshops and is the regional liaison with the USDA’s agricultural research service, where she helps place students with her fellow researchers. That requires her to assess students’ knowledge, skills and abilities and then match their talents and learning needs to mission-driven research.
Working alongside USDA researchers, students expand their research skills and contribute to the department’s national research priorities.
Her commitment to training researchers goes beyond individual students. She has a vision that the Salinas Valley will be as well known for “growing scientists as it is for growing vegetables.” To learn more about the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Center at CSUMB, click here.
Photo: Ana Ibarra of Hartnell College, Isael Rubio of CSUMB and Dr. Carolee Bull display the certificates they received from the Salinas City Council on June 12