CSUMB featured in book on undergraduate research
Whether at a field site or in a lab, the chance to conduct research is a game-changer when it comes to earning a degree. Staff members of CSU Monterey Bay’s Undergraduate Research Opportunities Center – or UROC – believe that passionately, and work to offer all students that chance.
Research, they say, can ignite a passion, build and reinforce confidence and keep students on track for graduation and success beyond commencement – in graduate school or the workplace.
UROC was established in 2009, and since then it has earned a national reputation for excellence, achievement and leadership.
As a result, Dr. Bill Head, UROC director, and Jessica Brown, assistant director, were invited to submit a chapter for the just published book, “Undergraduate Research Offices and Programs: Models and Practices,” published by the Council on Undergraduate Research.
The book features programs from a range of institutions – large research universities to community colleges. UROC was asked to contribute a chapter from the perspective of a primarily undergraduate institution.
“Writing the chapter and later comparing UROC to other offices featured in the book were exhilarating,” Dr. Head said. “We were particularly struck by how unique and comprehensive UROC is.”
UROC works across all academic disciplines, which, as the book points out, only a few schools do. And students receive a wide range of support – from seminars on graduate school and fellowship applications to coaching on how to present their work in public settings.
“Writing the chapter enabled us to think deeply about our short but robust history, our values and approaches, our benchmarks and where are going,” Dr. Head said.
About the book: “Undergraduate Research Offices and Programs: Models and Practices by Joyce Kinkead (Utah State University) and Linda Blockus (University of Missouri). Published by the Council on Undergraduate Research. Order it here.
Learn more about UROC at CSUMB here.