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Corey Garza speaks at international marine science panel in Paris

It’s been a busy summer for many CSUMB faculty. Corey Garza, a faculty member in the CSUMB Marine Science program, traveled to Paris in June and spoke at an international panel about the relationship between the oceans, human health and coastal resiliency. The panel was part of a workshop hosted by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

According to the UNESCO, the three-day workshop brought together stakeholders from across the ocean science, education, policy and business sectors to think collectively about the role of science, education, policy and business in moving forward the international ocean agenda. Workshop participants came from 17 countries in Europe, North and South America, and Africa.

At CSUMB, Garza serves as the principal investigator for the university’s Marine Landscape Ecology Lab. He is also active in promoting the participation of underrepresented in groups in STEM through research and conference based activities.