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Community invited to Business Showcase

April 10, 2010

Chapin, Leahy to be honored with leadership awards

Don Chapin, president and CEO of the Don Chapin Company, and Bill Leahy, executive director of the Big Sur Land Trust, will be honored at CSU Monterey Bay's School of Business Showcase.

The event will be held May 13 in the University Center starting at 6 p.m. with cocktails. Dinner and the program will follow.

The showcase is intended to play a part in developing a strong relationship between the local business community and the university's School of Business. Prceeds benefit the school's program program fund.

Mr. Chapin will receive the business leadership award. He and his father, Don Chapin Sr., founded the company in 1978 as a family owned and operated construction business. The company has since grown to become one of the largest general engineering contractors on the Central Coast. A community leader and philanthropist, he serves on the boards of a variety of local nonprofit organizations.

Mr. Leahy will be honored for community leadership. He joined the land trust in 2003 and has helped guide the organization to conserve an additional 10,000 acres of land through private landowner agreements and public parkland acquisitions.

The leadership awards were inaugurated last year to recognize community leaders who have shown a commitment to CSU Monterey Bay and the mission of the university. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet faculty members, graduating seniors and successful alumni, and to learn more about how the School of Business is educating students to be ethical and effective leaders.

Student awards, including one for the school's outstanding senior, will also be given out at the showcase.

Tickets are $100 each. Reservations may be made by calling 582-4141 by April 28. For more information, call 582-3653.