Commencement by the numbers
One year of planning and countless staff hours create this unforgettable day
8,000: Graduation tickets printed
6,500: Programs printed
6,000: Friends and family attending
4,500: Parking spaces
2,850: Rented chairs in stadium
**1,500: **Diploma folders prepared
1,447: Candidates for graduation (848 female, 599 male)
1,285: Number of bachelor’s degrees to be conferred
1,200: Students expected to participate in commencement (youngest 19, oldest 64, median age 23)
1,100: Caps and gowns purchased from bookstore
150: Minutes ceremony will last
125: Event volunteers
72: Police and other security personnel on duty
39: Members of commencement planning committee
28: Majors represented (most popular: business administration, 211 graduates; psychology, 174; kinesiology, 147; human communication, 126)
28: Students named Jessica in the graduating class
24: Veterans in the graduating class
19: States and territories represented in the graduating class
18: Countries represented in the graduating class (farthest: South Africa, Vietnam, India)
16: Students named Michael in the graduating class
8: Graduates celebrating birthdays on the day of commencement
5: Speakers on stage
1: Number of years it will take commencement coordinator Phyllis Grillo to plan commencement 2015 Read more about commencement here.
*Some numbers are estimates *