Commencement 2016 by the numbers
One year of planning and countless staff hours create this unforgettable day
14,400: Graduation tickets printed 11,500: Friends and family attending 6,700: Parking spaces 6,000: Programs printed 2,000: Diploma folders prepared 1,875: Candidates for graduation (1,165 female, 710 male) 1,830: Rented chairs in stadium 1,656: Number of bachelor’s degrees to be conferred 1,500: Students expected to participate in commencement (youngest 20, oldest 68, median age 24) 1,450 and counting: Caps and gowns purchased from bookstore 520: Bagels ordered for breakfasts served to students, faculty, and platform party
220: Event staff
120: Minutes ceremony expected to last
40: Members of commencement planning committee
31: Majors represented (most popular: psychology, 229 graduates; kinesiology, 221; business administration, 210)
28: Police and other public safety personnel on duty
25: States and territories represented in the graduating class
24: Countries represented in the graduating class (farthest: Kenya, India)
21: Students named Jessica in the graduating class
21: Veterans in the graduating class
16: Students named Daniel in the graduating class
6: Graduates celebrating birthdays on the day of commencement
4: Speakers on stage
2: Number of ceremonies (10 a.m., College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences and College of Business; 3 p.m., Colleges of Science, Education and Health Sciences and Human Services)
Some numbers are approximate
Published May 13, 2016