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CHSHS hosts event for National Hispanic Heritage Month

Please join the CSUMB College of Health Sciences and Human Services in celebration of National Hispanic Heritage Month, focusing on the topic of “Community Health Workers as Catalysts for Wellness: Advancing Capacity for Promotores in the Tri-County Region.” The event is scheduled Thursday, Oct. 6th, 3 to 5 p.m., at the World Theater.

Three speakers will be featured:

Hector Balcazar, dean of the College of Science and Health at Charles R. Drew University. Belcazar has extensive experience as a leader in public health education, research, service and community outreach.

Maria Lemus, founding executive director of Visión y Compromiso, a non-profit committed to supporting Promotoras and Community Health Workers (P/CHW) to achieve healthy and dignified lives for Latinos.

Carlos Ugarte, director of health programs for Farmworker Justice in Washington, DC has been on the cutting edge of immigrant health program development for decades and is known throughout the U.S. for his work in creating and supporting community health worker programs.

Norma Ahedo, coordinator of the Promoters Program and the Strong Families Program at the Center for Community Advocacy. She is a CCA-trained neighborhood leader who served as a volunteer promotora comunitaria for her neighborhood.

For questions or special accommodations, contact Riley Tinney at or ext. 3736.