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Capstone project leads to museum exhibit

CSU Monterey Bay alumna Erika D’Auria has turned her capstone project into an exhibit at the Monterey Museum of Art.

D’Auria (VPA 2014) is the guest curator of Define:/self/ – Exploring Female Identity, which opens July 11 at the museum’s Pacific Street location.

The exhibit showcases the work of 20 female artists from the Youth Arts Collective, a Monterey-based artists' studio for 14- to 22-year-olds. They responded to the prompt, “What does it mean to be a female artist,” creating a multi-media exhibition. The work explores the idea of womanhood, self-identity and how the artists choose to define themselves.

Photographs of the artists accompany their work.

D’Auria interviewed each artist, asking her if she thought females are at a disadvantage being a woman in a man’s art world.

D’Auria told the Monterey Herald that the young artists felt they might not have the same opportunities. But, she said, “They are realistic about their futures. It’s not a deterrent but a motivator.”

The VPA graduate told the Herald that she was inspired to create the show in part because of her sisters, ages 9 and 10.

The exhibit will be on display through July 21. The museum is located at 559 Pacific St., Monterey. Find more information here.

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Image: Angela Bomarito, Majesty, Acrylic on canvas