Capstone Festival set for Dec. 18 and 19
It all comes down to this
At CSU Monterey Bay, all students must complete a capstone project in their final year, publicly presenting and defending the project or portfolio of work that demonstrates what they have learned. They do this each fall and spring at the Capstone Festival, which is organized by academic departments. Capstone projects represent the skills, knowledge and abilities developed over the course of a student's education at CSUMB. They include research presentations, original poetry, oral histories, installation art, photography, tabletop exhibits, films and videos, multimedia works, computer visualizations and more.
This semester’s Capstone Festival will be held Dec. 18 and 19 at locations around campus. A schedule can be found here. The public is invited to attend. While the event is free, a parking permit must be purchased from a machine on the lot or online.
NEW THIS SEMESTER Nursing students will present their capstone projects from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Dec. 18 in the Music Hall. The 10 members of the group are part of the first nursing class at CSUMB. They completed three semesters at the university, and then went back to local community colleges to earn associate degrees in nursing last May. They returned to CSUMB this fall to complete the bachelor of science in nursing program.
View a video of last May’s Capstone Festival for students in the Computer Science and Information Technology program.