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Campus responds to Katrina

Posted on Oct 19, 2005

Students raise $3,500 for hurricane relief

Hurricane Katrina's devastation was felt on campus as students, faculty and staff watched and listened helplessly as the story unfolded on TV.

In response to the disaster, the CSUMB student government has held a variety of fundraising activities to benefit the victims. So far, approximately $3,500 has been raised.

For example, students who bought tickets to the recent homecoming dance had the option of giving their $5 admission price back to the student government association to be used for future events and programs, or to donate the money for Hurricane Katrina relief. The overwhelming response from students was to donate their money. Donations to the relief fund totaled $3,000.

Other fund-raising activities:

• The student government's Environmental Committee continues to hold bi-weekly recycling drives. More than $100 has been raised so far.

• The United Student Leadership Council -- a group of students representing student government and a variety of clubs and organizations on campus -- held a door-to-door solicitation campaign that resulted in another $373.

Students will be surveyed to determine which organization will receive the money collected.
