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Campus Compact action statement celebrated

Cal State Monterey Bay President Eduardo Ochoa was on hand March 20 when Campus Compact celebrated the signatories on its action statement during a summit of presidents and chancellors in Boston.

Over 350 Campus Compact member presidents and chancellors, including President Ochoa, have signed the document, which contains strong language about the public obligations of higher education that commits campuses to take specific steps to deepen their engagement for the benefit of students, communities, and the public.

The document concludes with a commitment by each signatory to create a campus civic action plan that will be shared publicly. Campus Compact’s focus is on supporting campuses in the work they do that advances the health and strength of communities and American democracy, both by preparing students for lives of engaged citizenship and by building partnerships to advance community and public goals. Following the summit, the organization held its 30th anniversary national conference, with more than 650 attendees.

Published March 21, 2016