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Campus committee to develop Climate Action Plan

A newly reformed committee at CSU Monterey Bay is continuing to develop a Climate Action Plan that will eventually result in achieving the goal of zero carbon emissions.

The university works to promote sustainability with numerous classes incorporating environmentally focused skills and issues. The campus supports sustainable practices, including transportation programs to get people out of their cars, organic food in its dining halls, recycling efforts, a solar power farm, and projects that have substantially reduced electricity use on campus. The last two major campus construction projects – the Tanimura & Antle Family Memorial Library and the renovation of the Dining Commons – earned LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) silver certification. Developing the Climate Action Plan will be undertaken by the Campus Sustainability Committee, whose members include students, faculty and staff. The plan fulfills the American College and University Presidents' Climate Commitment that President Dianne Harrison signed in 2007, and pledges the university to a path of climate neutrality.