API community celebrates graduation
Patti Hiramoto, vice president of University Advancement, reminded the gathering at CSU Monterey Bay’s first Asian Pacific Islander American community graduation celebration about the importance of community.
“The API community can be an anchor, a place to return to, when life gets difficult and when life’s joys are to be shared,” she said.
The event, held the day before commencement, marked an important milestone for the university’s Asian Pacific Islander community and the 21 students who participated. It celebrated their achievements and the people who helped them along the way.
The plan is to make it an annual event.
Although Asian Pacific Islander American students make up only 6 percent of the student population at CSUMB, it is a growing group with students dedicated to building a stronger, more vibrant community on campus. They have organized a variety of events – cultural dances, social gatherings and performances – to connect with other students, educate others on their heritage and celebrate their achievements.
Anyone interested in participating in next year's Asian Pacific Islander graduation celebration or being part of the planning committee can contact Jihan Ejan at jejan@csumb.edu.
Patti Hiramoto, vice president of University Advancement at CSUMB (far left) and members of CSUMB's API community celebrate commencement on May 17.