Afraid of public speaking? Oratory Otters is here to help
Do you tense up when speaking in front of a group? Does the thought of your capstone presentation terrify you? Are you a scientist who needs to communicate your findings to policymakers and the public?
If so, Oratory Otters, CSUMB’s Toastmasters Club, is here to help.
The mission of Toastmasters is to empower people to become more effective communicators and leaders. It provides a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills. If you would like to boost your confidence, learn specific tools to captivate your audience, or get feedback on your class or work presentation, check out the Oratory Otters. The group will hold a "showcase" meeting from 6 to 7:15 p.m., March 14, in Room 3145 of the library. The meeting will provide an opportunity to ask questions, network with current Toastmasters members, and listen to an entertaining presentation.
More information is available at 229-6969 or on the Oratory Otters Toastmasters Facebook page.
Published March 8, 2016