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Acting out against sexual assault

Call it an innovative approach to tackling a sensitive subject.

On Sept. 2, an acting troupe, Catharsis Productions, will make its first appearance at CSU Monterey Bay in a production called “Sex Signals.”

It’s a series of skits and guided discussions led by a pair of specially trained actors who demonstrate that role-playing and blunt talk make more memorable sexual assault training than lectures.

The goal of the 90-minute presentation is to broaden awareness about dating, sex and the core issue of consent using improvisation, humor and audience participation to get the message across.

Over the last 15 years, “Sex Signals” has been performed approximately 5,000 times to more than 2 million people, mostly on college campuses and military installations. Members of the community are invited to attend the free presentation at 7:30 p.m., Sept. 2, in the University Center ballroom. The University Center is located on Sixth Avenue at B Street. Driving directions and a campus map are available here. While the presentation is free, a parking permit is required and can be purchased from a machine on the lot or online.

The event is sponsored by Associated Students; CSUMB’s Office of Student Activities and Leadership Development; and the Title IX Coordinators’ Office.